Cour martiale

Informations sur la décision

Résumé :

Date de l’ouverture du procès : 21 novembre 2006.
Endroit : BFC Petawawa, édifice L-106, Petawawa (ON).
Chefs d’accusation
•Chef d’accusation 1 : Art. 83 LDN, a désobéi à un ordre légitime d’un supérieur.
•Chefs d’accusation 2, 3 : Art. 90 LDN, s’est absenté sans permission.
•VERDICTS : Chef d’accusation 1 : Non coupable. Chefs d’accusation 2, 3 : Coupable.
•SENTENCE : Une réprimande et une amende au montant de 1200$.

Contenu de la décision

Page 1 of 8 Citation: R. v. Gunner V. Pejanovic, 2006 CM 20 Docket: C200620 STANDING COURT MARTIAL CANADA ONTARIO 2ND REGIMENT, ROYAL CANADIAN HORSE ARTILLERY CANADIAN FORCES BASE PETAWAWA Date: 24 November 2006 PRESIDING: LIEUTENANT-COLONEL J-G PERRON, M.J. HER MAJESTY THE QUEEN v. GUNNER V. PEJANOVIC (Accused) DECISION RESPECTING AN APPLICATION MADE UNDER SUBPARAGRAPH 112.05(5)(b) OF THE QUEEN'S REGULATIONS AND ORDERS FOR THE CANADIAN FORCES AND THAT THE COURT DECLARES TO BE OF NO FORCE AND EFFECT SECTION 165.14 OF THE NATIONAL DEFENCE ACT. (Rendered orally) [1] The accused, N24 879 837 Gunner Pejanovic is charged with having committed three offences. More specifically, he is accused of one charge of having disobeyed a lawful command of a superior and of two charges of being absent without leave. The applicant, the accused, has made an application under subparagraph 112.05(5)(b) of the Queen's Regulations and Orders for the Canadian Forces requesting that the Standing Court Martial declares that this Standing Court Martial as having no jurisdiction over the applicant and that this court terminates the proceedings pursuant to QR&O paragraph 112.24(6). [2] The applicant also requests that if the Standing Court Martial declares that section 165.14 of the National Defence Act to be of no force and effect pursuant to subsection 52(1) of the Constitution Act 1982; and that the Standing Court Martial declares that section 165.19 of the National Defence Act and article 111.02 of the Queen's Regulations and Orders insofar as it pertains to the determination of the type of court martial by the Director of Military Prosecutions to be of no force and effect pursuant to sub-section 52(1) of the Constitution Act 1982. Finally, the applicant
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