Cour martiale

Informations sur la décision

Contenu de la décision

Attention : ce document est disponible en anglais seulement.


Citation: R. v. Captain L.M. Paquette, 1997 CM 27

Date: 25 November 1997

Docket: F199727

Standing Court Martial

Borden, Ontario, Canada

Canadian Forces Base Borden

Her Majesty the Queen

- and -

Captain L.M. Paquette, accused

Before: Commander R.F. Barnes, M.J.


Subject to sub-section 486(3) and 486(4) of the Criminal Code and section 179 of the National Defence Act, the court has directed that the identity of the complainant and any information that would disclose the identity of the complainant shall not be published in any document or broadcast in any way.



[1]                    I'm satisfied that no prima facie case has been made out. Would you stand up Captain Paquette. The court therefore finds you not guilty of charge number five and charge number eleven. You may be seated.


Major M.R. Gibson, Deputy Judge Advocate Trenton, Counsel for Her Majesty the Queen

Major J.M. MacMillan, Deputy Judge Advocate Central (9), Assistant Counsel for Her Majesty the Queen

Captain M.F. Kenny, Directorate of Law/Defence, Counsel for Captain L.M. Paquette

 Vous allez être redirigé vers la version la plus récente de la loi, qui peut ne pas être la version considérée au moment où le jugement a été rendu.