12 résultat(s)
Golzari A.Z. (Caporal), R. c. - 2016 CM 1008 - 2016-05-11
Cour martiale - Non prima facie - Disponible [ Anglais ]The defence also submits that the accused’s refusal does not amount to obstruction in the context of this offence. [10] As to the third charge, the defence submits that there is no evidence to establish that Corporal Golzari had a duty to positively state where he was going as the prosecution did not establish that such a [...] (a) resists or wilfully obstructs a public officer or peace officer in the execution of his duty or any person lawfully acting in aid of such an officer, [...] (f) that obstruction was wilful. [16] There is no issue as to the identity of the accused as well as the date and place of the offence.
Alix B.L. (Maître de 1re classe), R. c. - 2019 CM 2023 - 2019-09-06
Cour martiale - Décision - Disponible [ Anglais ]95 The judge advocate may allow the cross-examination of a witness to be postponed where, in his opinion, the application for postponement is not made for purposes of obstruction. [6] The judge’s role in a criminal trial requires a delicate balancing of all interests to ensure that the trial is conducted in a seemly and [...] A trial judge must be satisfied that in his or her opinion, the purpose of the defence request for postponement is not for the purpose of obstruction, meaning that counsel is not making the request to intentionally impede, hinder or delay the ongoing court martial proceedings. [...] [10] Based on the submissions of counsel, there was no evidence referred to that suggested that the request was being made for any improper purpose or for obstruction. Further, the next witness will be testifying imminently and there is no expected delay in the proceedings.
Healy C.P. (Caporal), R. c. - 2007 CM 2016 - 2007-10-18
Cour martiale - Verdict - DisponibleJe n’accepte pas le témoignage de l’Adjudant London quand il affirme qu’il voyait la tête du Caporal Healy et de celle Caporal Anderson sans obstruction au moment en question. Les photographies, pièces 10 et 11, le montrent clairement.
Mason A. (Caporal-chef), R. c. - 2023 CM 2004 - 2023-03-13
Cour martiale - Décision - Disponible [ Anglais ]If the publication of a complainant’s name is an impediment to reporting sexual misconduct and it obstructs the access to justice by hampering the CAF’s ability to regulate the misconduct, then the Court must take notice.
Ritchie C.M. (Matelot de 1re classe), R. c. - 1997 CM 39 - 1997-11-17
Cour martiale - Décision de la charte - Disponible [ Anglais ]Rather than risk the application of physical force or prosecution for wilful obstruction, the reasonable person is likely to err on the side of caution, assume lawful authority and comply with the demand.
Remington L.R. (Aspirant de marine), R. c. - 2021 CM 5024 - 2021-08-30
Cour martiale - Décision - Disponible [ Anglais ]If the publication of the complainants’ names is an impediment to reporting sexual misconduct and it obstructs the access to justice by hampering the CAF’s ability to regulate the misconduct, then the Court must take notice.
Renaud J. (Capitaine), R. c. - 2019 CM 4021 - 2019-11-14
Cour martiale - Verdict - DisponibleE. Le premier chef d’obstruction de la justice 82 1. Introduction 2. Les éléments essentiels de l’infraction [...] E. Le premier chef d’obstruction de la justice 1. Introduction [82] Maintenant que l’analyse du troisième et plus complexe chef de comportement préjudiciable au bon ordre et à la discipline a été effectué, il y a lieu de se tourner vers l’analyse des deux autres chefs impliquant le capitaine Morin-Nappert. [...] Le premier chef est porté sous l’article 130 de la LDN pour obstruction de la justice contrairement au paragraphe 139(2) du Code criminel, qui prévoit essentiellement que quiconque volontairement tente de quelque manière d’entraver, de détourner ou de contrecarrer le cours de la justice est coupable d’un acte criminel et
Berrieault A.P. (Caporal-chef), R. c. - 2019 CM 2013 - 2019-06-19
Cour martiale - Décision - Disponible [ Anglais ]If the publication of the complainants’ names is an impediment to reporting sexual misconduct and it obstructs the access to justice by hampering the CAF’s ability to regulate the misconduct, then the Court must take notice.
Sharp B.V.P. (Ex-matelot de 1re classe), R. c. - 2008 CM 1003 - 2008-02-27
Cour martiale - Verdict - DisponibleIl a ajouté que le gaz poivré ne devrait pas être aspergé plus de deux fois sur les mêmes personnes et que les jets ne devraient pas durer plus d’une ou deux, en raison des effets secondaires, comme les sensations de brûlure sur la peau exposée, l’obstruction des voies aériennes et les effets psychologiques de l’utilisation
Index des décisions de 2000 à 2003 - 2015-01-28
Cour martiale - DisponibleCharge 1: S. 130 NDA, willfully attempt to obstruct, pervert or defeat the course of justice (s. 139(2) CCC). Charge 2 (alternate to charge 3): S. 130 NDA, obstructing a peace officer in the execution of his duty (s. 129 CCC). [...] Charge 1: S. 130 NDA, obstruction of justice (s. 139(2) CCC). Charge 2: S. 112(a) NDA, used a vehicle of the Canadian Forces for an unauthorized purpose.
J.L. (Soldat), R. c. - 2023 CM 2010 - 2023-04-03
Cour martiale - Décision - Disponible [ Anglais ][121] Although the sentencing construct at large provides military judges with significant guidance and discretion, the crux of the problem lies in the mandatory nature of those NDA provisions which directly obstruct the ability of military judges to give effect to the fact that young persons are presumed to have less moral
Vu D.T. (Soldat), R. c. - 2021 CM 4012 - 2021-11-05
Cour martiale - Verdict - Disponible [ Anglais ][65] Aviator Stanutz explained that Private Vu was following along and assisted her in preparing the room and the bed for S.B. She explained how she pulled the sheets and the cover down, removed any obstruction and placed S.B. on her bed with the assistance of Aviator Leblanc.